"There are no strangers here...only friends we haven't met."
Stop by...we're open until 3:00 today!
Christmas/Holiday Stroll (2021) December 4, 2021
How much does Gladys love her Christmas? She starts decorating the Cardinal EARLY!"You Know Who" had to ruin at least one pic...Our snowman guard welcomes you to the cafe.Santa and some pals.The Christmas baker.Legend has it that our Wooden Soldier marches through the Cardinal on Christmas Eve night!Christmas mouse in the house...Reindeer or moose?!Santa enjoys sitting and watching everyone enjoy their breakfasts and lunches.Our resident artist Grinches up the front window before the Holiday Stroll.It's Meghan! (But you knew that already...)The window artists pose in front of their work.Ta-da!Manny readies the kitchen gear to hold all that hot chocolate for the strollers.When Gladys asked if they were ready for the hot chocolate rush, Chelsea and Kevin chuckled. "How hard can this be?"A few minutes later, Kevin was too overwhelmed to even pose for a picture. Meanwhile, Gladys looks like she's calling in for backup!I think this was the part of the night where Chelsea blamed Kevin for not keeping up......so Kevin turned it up a notch. Soon he was moving so fast he was a blur!Gladys takes a quick break for a quick pic!And the strollers kept coming...And coming!You'd better BELIEVE the hot chocolate flowed on this crisp but beautiful night for a stroll!They made it! Another successful Holiday Stroll event at The Cardinal. And...Manny finally made it out of the kitchen! (Give that man an egg nog.)
Halloween at The Cardinal (2021) October 31, 2021
Uh-oh! Mrs. Buttersworth might have some questions for Meghan...Gladys looks like a cuddly stack of pancakes!Hi Sue! Milk brings milk to the booth!Chelsea is NOT dressed as the sun...although she is sunny-side up!Is Chelsea trying to flip herself?Mina is the Swiss Miss!Camilla: our glowing, golden Halloween waffle!
Anniversary Day, Birthday & Valentines Day (2020) February 14, 2020
The Valentines Day crew: Elizabeth, Rita, Chelsea, Karen and You-Know-Who.But today was Rita's birthday, too. Happy Birthday, Rita!Guess what? It was also Chelsea's ten-year anniversary at The Cardinal!And it's Elizabeth's ten-year anniversary next week!
Holiday Stroll (2019)...Hot Chocolate for Everyone! December 7, 2019
Clean the glass before going home, Gladys!From the sidewalk......as the night finally began winding down.A small break in the action. Let's take a family picture!Hey...Manny Jr. came in for some hot chocolate, too.Even Captain America came by!Cardinal friends relaxing and chatting.Manny handles the pour, Liz with the hand off and Meghan pops on the lid.The production line.Standing room only!The view from the kitchen.Henry Ford would be proud!Manny and Elizabeth prepare for another refill.Prepping the next batch of sweet stuff.Stock tip: Buy shares of Swiss Miss!Stand back. Hot pour happenin'...And friends keep coming......and coming!Uh-oh. Looks like supplies are running low.Still some hot chocolates left.Good thing...because look at how many more visitors we have!Looks like everyone is having a good time.Elizabeth too!A slight lull during this fun-filled night......means we can pose for some more pictures!Uh-oh. We ran out of seats!Manny gets a break from the kitchen to come out and say hello.Manny and Meghan say "cheese". Gladys? She's talking again...The kitchen is OPEN. For hot chocolate, that is.Coming in from the cold to warm up and chat with friends.Some Christmas carollers dropped in!Smiles and the Cardinal Cafe go together.Even more smiles on this chilly night.Hot chocolates under the wreath.A couple of familiar early birds came in to warm up and say hello.Looks like everyone is having fun at this table!A break from strolling for some hot chocolates.
Halloween At The Cardinal! (2019) October 31, 2019
Gladys plays ventriloquist with her witchy friend."Gladys...your lips are moving!"Table 8 doesn't seem impressed with Glady's ventriloquism skills.Now THAT'S a scary looking Halloween wedding couple!And the whole creepy wedding party. The Cardinal Family? (snap...snap)
Cardinal Cafe Mother's Day Breakfast (2019) May 12, 2019
A full house for Mother's Day breakfast at the Cardinal.Meghan is a blur as she serves up breakfast to a happy table!A "Kitty-eye view" of the Mother's Day crowd.Gladys really seems to love having her picture taken, doesn't she?
Cardinal Cafe Ribbon Cutting April 26, 2019
The excitement mounts as everyone gets ready for the big moment!A view of the festivities from across Wanaque Avenue.The BIG SCISSORS are out......and the ribbon flies! Welcome to the all new Cardinal Cafe!The "official" ribbon cutting photo.Gladys offers a toast to everyone in attendance."Here, here!"Meanwhile, Manny and crew take a moment to pose for a quick picture.
The "New" Cardinal Cafe Re-Opening Day April 10, 2019
The Cardinal Cafe is back and the kitchen is open!The view from Booth 7 looking back......and looking forward.Someone looks very happy to be back in the Cardinal groove!View from the back entrance looking forward.You didn't think we'd forget the Cardinal team pictures, did you?Nice! New comfy stools for the counter regulars.And who's the happiest person of all today? (Well, Manny too...but he's cookin'!)
Watch for more scenes from The Cardinal Cafe. You never know what (or who) you might see!